It was two summers ago, a few days before I met the man that would become my husband, that I was privileged to hear a story which helped me more clearly understand some things about right relationships. I had gone to a campgrounds with a particular question in my mind and thinking that while I was there I'd be around somebody who would know about the pertinent subject and would be able to answer my question. The question was about an aspect of Native American spiritual teachings. There was a woman there, with whom I was acquainted, who was Indian, Cherokee, I think, so I waited for an appropriate moment and posed the question. She readily answered, and then hung back to leisurely finish breakfast at the table where I sat. When the other campers had left the table she told me she wanted to speak to me about something. She spoke about the maturation of my daughter into a young woman. We engaged in thoughtful conversation. She stressed that I am my daughter's primary teacher concerning womanhood. Then, her eyes became very focused and she said she felt the need to warn me about a spiritual danger that I faced in my own life.
She began to speak of a danger and two or three times asked me, "Do you understand?" as she attempted to make her points.
To this, I repeatedly replied, "No, I don't understand."
She appeared frustrated with our attempt to communicate, but I looked into her eyes and admitted, "I don't understand what you're talking about."
At this, she became quiet and took another approach. Her countenance changed and I felt she revealed herself to me as she would have within her own culture. Her face softened and she resumed speaking with a strong, quiet voice. She began to gesture with her hands as she told me a story that I will try to retell as I remember it.
She held out her hand and gestured over it, stating, "This is your life."
Then, she said, "I will tell you about the people who are safe to be in your life. This is what brings you power"
She brought together her fingertips and pressed them into the palm of the outstretched hand. "This is your family," she said, explaining to me that as many people could be in my family as I was able to hold and that the choice of who I hold in my family is mine alone.
"You can hold many people in the palm of your hand."
She talked about blood family: mother, father, brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, children, grandchildren, and cousins. She went on to state that we take non-related people into our family, but that the relationships are the same, that it must be this way. Three people walked by who paused to greet her with hugs and affectionate words. When they moved on, she told me these were such people to her. The husband was her brother, the wife was her sister, and the child was a niece, though they were not blood relatives.
Then, she touched her four fingers and told me that these are special women friends, that there are four positions, and that if these positions are filled with the right friends this will give me strength. She said these people may come and go in my life for many different reasons and that I must be able to adjust and find others to fill the positions. She told me that there is only room for four of this kind of friend and that a woman needs all four of such female friends to develop her potential. They are companions on the spiritual journey and they each have a time and a purpose for traveling with me.
"There are no men in these positions."
She grasped her thumb, deep into the base.
"This is your man. There is only one. See how the thumb joins into the hand and how important it is? The hand is very limited without the thumb."
"When the thumb is severed from the hand there is a big injury. This represents your life. You have had a big injury, but there is a big healing possible and another man can come into your life. There is only one and he will be joined to you as the thumb is joined to the hand."
"Do you understand?"
"Yes, I understand."
Friday, January 23, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
New President
We have a new president. The hope is that it's a new day for America. How can I derive inspiration from recent events to persistently continue the hard work of renewing my life?
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

In moments of turmoil I can pause to process my perception, not to analyze, not to strategize, not to criticize, but to recognize. Through observation of both my outer and inner state I come to a deep awareness of my total immersion and unity with the Life Force, which is Love.
image from
Monday, January 19, 2009
The Pathway

Serenity is my desire. Serenity stems from truthfulness. Truthfulness is the foundation of a life of serenity. I walk the pathway of serenity with gratitude and faith. Gratitude brings joy which gives me a spiritual energy I like to call wings. This uplifts me to a holy place. Faith gives me strength, which results in perseverance. I rely on my Creator for the inspiration and guidance that directs both my stillness and my movement.
Compassion manifests itself in the kindness that leads to my service to humanity and truthfulness leads to the awareness that is necessary for my right action. Through this path I come to serenity and I enter into peace. This is the journey of life, which is simply an entering into the center of my being where I experience a stillness that immerses me in the Creative Force.
As I remain in truthfulness my heart unfolds with compassion. I take right action and continue to experience awareness of both my inner and outer being. I respond to my unique life experience with kindness to myself and others, enabled to be of service beyond my capacity as I walk with my gaze fixed on the Creative Source.
Faith keeps me centered and my gratitude increases. I persevere with the strength I am provided by the Provider. I am lifted up and supported. I walk in joy. This is the pathway I am taking to becoming who I am, a loved child of God.
image from
right action,
Thursday, January 15, 2009
A Moment of Clarity
Walking the labyrinth must have created a focused meditative experience, for a couple of days later, an insight came to me totally beyond what I had expected, and totally beyond the issue upon which I had meditated. I experienced a moment of clarity which infused me with joy. I was given both a visual image and the words to help me stay focused, especially in times of tests. Upon returning home, only a few minutes after this experience, I opened the mailbox to find notice of some unexpected news which I would have been spiritually unprepared to handle had I not just experienced that moment. As it was, I accepted calmly what life handed me and felt assured that God was with me in that moment and for whatever I will face in this matter. The image is in the form of a seed labyrinth with four quadrants and words associated with certain key spots. The image provides cues for the thoughts that lead me to a great calm.
prayer and meditation
Friday, January 2, 2009
Sacred Spaces
I have spent some time in the past few weeks exploring the nearby parks, particularly searching for a place that feels like a sacred space to me. Yesterday, we came upon a pine grove on a knoll above a marshy area. Also, I walked a labyrinth while meditating on a specific transition I am going through, then picked up a rock to bring home as a reminder of the insight that came to me. I later learned that this labyrinth is one of the largest and most beautiful within a hundred mile radius of my new home.
prayer and meditation,
sacred spaces,
Thursday, January 1, 2009
An Old Journal
This is part of a journal entry I found from December 23, 2006:
"I feel as if I have come to almost a complete stillness in my soul. I ask only that I be open to love, that I may give and receive love without obstruction, that I grow in infinite intimacy with my Creator as I joyfully embrace the co-creative experience. May I be fully human-in servitude unto my Lord."
Now, I look back at the amazing events that have unfolded, both within my own life and in the outer world. First, there were the confirmations, then the tests. It has been tumultuous for me, but now I am back to the peace and I am grateful.
"I feel as if I have come to almost a complete stillness in my soul. I ask only that I be open to love, that I may give and receive love without obstruction, that I grow in infinite intimacy with my Creator as I joyfully embrace the co-creative experience. May I be fully human-in servitude unto my Lord."
Now, I look back at the amazing events that have unfolded, both within my own life and in the outer world. First, there were the confirmations, then the tests. It has been tumultuous for me, but now I am back to the peace and I am grateful.
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